Corp Comm Connects

June 6, 2014

Dandelion Season is Here

Each spring, lawns and greenspaces turn from green to yellow as dandelions flower. Dandelions pose no health risk and they usually flower for only a few shorts weeks in May and June. 

To protect the environment, the City of Vaughan implemented a Pesticide By-law to regulate the use of herbicides to control weeds, such as dandelions, on public and private property. 

Grass in parks, sports fields and on boulevards is cut frequently during May and June in an effort to keep weeds to a minimum. Even with frequent cuts, areas may appear unkempt, as weeds grow faster than grass. The City also uses a number of natural practices to prevent weeds.

These tips will help control dandelions and other weeds on your property:


For more information on the by-laws and grass cutting in parks and open spaces, visit