Corp Comm Connects
Top 6: Things to do to stem potential flooding in York Region
Aug. 12, 2014
By Chris Traber

With York Region’s recent unsettled weather, protecting your home from flood damage should be a priority.

Increased rainfall has the potential to cause localized flooding, the York Region emergency preparedness professionals advised. Being prepared can help minimize the impact of potential flooding.

The first 72 hours are the most critical in any emergency. When this occurs, York Region works alongside its municipalities and other groups to respond. It is important residents and businesses prepare for emergencies.

Top 6 things you can do to avoid flood damage:

Complicated changes or those that affect the structure of your home or its electrical wiring and plumbing should be carried out by a professional.

For additional information and a copy of the Emergency Preparedness Guide, visit The guide contains useful information and checklists including how to assemble an emergency preparedness kit.