Corp Comm Connects
Suitelife not so sweet, CRTC fines Woodbridge company $20,000 for violating telemarketing rules
July 30, 2014
By Ian Hardy

CRTC is dropping the hammer on companies non-compliant with the Do Not Call laws. The latest to violate the rights of Canadians is Woodbridge, Ontario based Suitelife Vacations Club, which is one of the businesses offering free cruises during dinnertime. “Acting on complaints submitted by Canadians,” the CRTC set the fine at $20,000 for SuiteLife and its third-party telemarketing firms for making unsolicited telemarketing calls to those who registered their number on the DNCL.

Manon Bombardier, CRTC’s Chief Compliance and Enforcement Officer, stated, “We appreciate receiving complaints from Canadians registered on the National Do Not Call List who receive unsolicited calls. This information helps us in our investigations and aids us in our work to protect Canadians. We are pleased to report that Suitelife cooperated with our investigation and changed its telemarketing practices.”

The National Do Not Call List (DNCL) was created by the CRTC in 2008 with a goal for Canadians to register their home phone, wireless, fax or VoIP telephone numbers to prevent telemarketers from calling. To date, over 12 million numbers are registered and the CRTC has ordered those who violate the telecommunications rules to pay over $4 million in penalties.