Corp Comm Connects
Tory campaign filled with too many mistakes, Vaughan PC supporter says
June 13, 2014
By Jeremy Grimaldi

The lack of volume on the television at Peter Meffe's campaign wrap wasn't the only thing driving his supporters crazy, people were also upset with the election that went so desperately wrong for the PCs.

Although some were resigned to the loss, most were bemoaning the debt, deficit, what the future will look like for their children and the Ontario voters who continue to vote Liberal despite the "scandals and corruption".

Carmello Butrico said there were many mistakes in the PC campaign.

"I think the mistake he made was when he said he was going to fire 100,000 people," he said. "My daughter is a teacher, she asked me not to vote for him."

Despite these hiccups though, he remained astounded that people would re-elect the Liberals.

"Look at the power plant, people never learn," he added.

Meffe also said his daughter was a high school teacher.

"She'll be telling her friends, 'Hey, you got a majority now, you happy?'," he said.

Afterwards he was also gracious in his remarks about Premier Kathlenn Wynne, saying he was happy she got a majority so she could implement her plan.

As for his plans for next election or the upcoming Vaughan elections, he said he will be taking some time off before he makes any decisions.

"It's too early to discuss that," he said. "I want to reconnect with my family, they have taken a back seat. I want to get back together them."

He added that he will also spend some of his time off helping his daughter plan her wedding.