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York Region Council to appoint new chairperson Dec. 11
Nov. 27, 2014
By Chris Traber

The York Region chairperson post left vacant by retiring CEO Bill Fisch will be filled through an appointment process at the inaugural meeting of council on Dec. 11 at 7 p.m.

At the meeting, the regional clerk will preside until the new chairperson is chosen.

Each candidate for chairperson needs a written nomination signed by a mover and seconder from among the members of council present at the inaugural meeting.

To be qualified as a nominee, you must be a resident of York Region or the owner or tenant of land in the region or the spouse of such owner or tenant. You have to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not prohibited from voting in the municipal election.

After nominations close, each mover and seconder and each nominee, in the alphabetical order of nominees’ surnames, can speak to the nomination for up to five minutes.

If there’s only one nomination, there is a vote to acclaim the nominee as chairperson.

If there’s more than one nominee, there’s a vote, either by open recorded vote or secret ballot as determined by council. An open vote is done in the order of names drawn by lot by the clerk.

To win, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes of the members present.

If there are more than two nominees and no nominee receives a majority vote, the nominee with the least number of votes is dropped off the next ballot until two remain.

In the event of a tie vote between two remaining nominees, there’s a 10-minute recess and then a further vote. If the tie remains for three votes, then there’s a recess until the next day until a nominee is appointed.

The new chairperson takes position immediately after the election and swearing-in.

All York Region Council meetings are public. Seating will be limited Dec. 11, but there will be an overflow room available with an audio feed and the public can listen to the proceedings online at

Under the Municipal Act, it is the responsibility of the chairperson, as head of council, to:

According to 2013 public sector salary disclosure data, the chairperson’s salary was $212,391.12.