Municipalities more concerned with Wynne than Harper
Aug. 18, 2015
By Antonella Artuso
Ontario’s municipalities undercut Premier Kathleen Wynne’s latest attempt to campaign against Stephen Harper’s Conservatives in the federal election.
The premier told a meeting of municipal leaders that Canadians deserve better than they’re getting from the Conservatives.
She pointed to the relationship between her government and municipalities as an example of what can be achieved.
“Ontario’s provincial & municipal governments are working together. But we need a federal partner, too,” Wynne tweeted during the meeting in Niagara Falls.
But the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) expressed concerns about its relationship with the Wynne government.
AMO president Gary McNamara said municipalities are struggling with the fiscal fallout from provincial government decisions.
“Municipalities are being asked to use limited revenue to fund higher costs that they are not allowed to control. That isn’t reasonable, wise or sustainable,” McNamara said in a statement.
“One way or another, Ontario’s municipal governments must be able to meet their responsibilities and make ends meet. If the Ontario government loses sight of that, Ontario communities will be in trouble.
“We need a partnership that works, with practical solutions to concrete problems,” he said.
Municipalities are looking for “reasonable” limits on municipal insurance liability, a “re-balancing” of the interest arbitration system that has led to significant increases in labour costs for emergency workers and a modernization of how police services are provided, he said.
Wynne said there’s no comparison in the quality of the relationships. She said Harper’s government won’t even come to the table to discuss issues, while she’s made a point of attending AMO conferences and listening.
“The difference, if you look at the federal relationship and the provincial-municipal relationship, is we sat down with municipalities,” she said.