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Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca's 5th Annual Movie Night

July  2015
Who doesn’t love a free movie for the entire family? On June 19th, Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca hosted her 5th Annual Movie Night at Vellore Village Community Centre which was open to everyone throughout the city. There was a lot to see and do at this event with fun activities for the kids to enjoy including Steven the Magician, Bounce Entertainment... and of course, the feature film! Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca welcomed everyone to this wonderful event and thanked them all for attending. They kicked off the evening’s festivities with delicious food, light snacks and beverages for all to enjoy. A great time was had by everyone who stopped by to enjoy the movie! For more information on Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca's 5th Annual Movie Night, please contact: 905-832-8585 x8339.