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Collision rates on York Region roads decline to 10-year low
T-bone crashes drop by 48% at intersections with red light cameras
June 26, 2015
Chris Traber

Collision rates on York Region roads reached a 10-year low, stated the 2015 Traffic Safety Status Report

The study, which documents road safety trends, was received by York Regional Council Thursday. York Region chairperson and CEO Wayne Emmerson said the report reflects motor vehicle collision data on regional roads collected and reviewed by the region in partnership with York Regional Police.

On average, there were more than 3.26 million daily vehicle trips made each day between 2012 and 2014, the document said.

“York Region has seen a decrease in the total number of collisions over the past five years and our goal is to further reduce these numbers,” Emmerson said. “Continuously working towards improving traffic safety is vital to providing residents and visitors with safer ways to move in and across regional roads.”

Highlights in the report include:

It’s important to have programs and measures in place to ensure the safety of people travelling throughout the region, Richmond Hill Regional Councillor Vito Spatafora, chairperson of York’s transportation services, said. “In addition to implementing programs, it is necessary to review the results and assess their effectiveness.”

While there are a number of factors that contribute to the decrease in collisions, safety programs play an important role. Some of the programs York Region has put in place include revising speed limits on Regional roads, installing red light cameras at 20 intersections and implementing safety campaigns to enhance awareness for issues affecting pedestrian safety.