Corp Comm Connects

Stouffville council considering environment, development committees

Event planning board also on Tuesday's agenda
May 29, 2015
By Sandra Bolan

A heads-up to residents with expertise in event planning, economic development, the environment and transportation.

Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville council decide if the above mentioned will become new advisory committees nor not.

However, there are no funds available in the 2015 budget for the new committees, according to the staff report going to council Tuesday.

“Staff have expressed a concern regarding staff resources to support any new advisory committees as there is some difficulty support(ing) the current advisory committees,” stated the report.

The draft mandate for the special event advisory committee includes advising and assisting town staff on community events/festivals, as well as pursuing grants and avenues that will draw tourism to the area.

After being discontinued a number of years ago, the environmental advisory committee may make a comeback.

Its draft mandate is to provide advice on how to maintain and improve the environment for residents. Members will also undertake educational initiatives and act as a liaison with non-governmental organizations and community groups.

Transportation advisory committee members would advise council on the implementation of the town’s transportation master plan, including active transportation, transportation demand management, road safety and parking.

Potential sub-committees include cycling/parking, traffic calming, neighbourhood safety and trails.

An economic development advisory committee would provide insight and expertise in broadening the municipality’s economic capacity through expansion, recruitment, diversification and retention, according to the draft mandate.

There could also be an agricultural advisory sub-committee.

The council meeting begins at 7 p.m. in council chambers, 111 Sandiford Dr.