Ward 2 Civic Hero Award presented to Raffaela Bozzato
SnapdWoodbridge/SnapdVaughan East
May 2015
As an active user of the Al Palladini Fitness Centre, Raffaela Bozzato decided to host an annual spin-a-thon to raise funds for families affected by autism. Six years later the Spinning for Autism Fundraiser has raised more than $250,000 and has helped many families in the community. Funds raised through the spin-a-thon go towards the Shining Through Centre for Children with Autism, a charitable organization that was first established in Woodbridge. The centre provides an intensive and comprehensive educational program for children with autism. Raffaela was recently presented with the Civic Hero Award for Ward 2 by Vaughan Council for all of her efforts in raising awareness and raising funds for autism. Congratulations Raffaela on this wonderful accomplishment!