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City of Vaughan Chinese New Year Celebration
March 2015

The City of Vaughan welcomed the Year of the Sheep at the 2015 Chinese New Year Celebration on February 15th. Members of the community were invited to Vaughan City Hall where they enjoyed a wonderful celebration of Chinese culture. Mayor Bevilacqua and Members of Council greeted everyone during the official welcome and also thanked them for attending. This year’s celebration was held in partnership with the Federation of Chinese Canadians in York Region (F.C.C.Y.R.). Some of the festivities for the afternoon included a traditional lion dance eye-dotting ceremony and other exciting cultural performances. There was a wonderful turn out at this year’s celebration with people from all over the city excited to usher in the Year of the Sheep. Everyone in attendance was provided with appetizing complimentary refreshments throughout the day. Chinese New Year is one of the most colourful and highly significant within the Chinese community, and it definitely showed with some of the breathtaking dances and performances that day. It is the ideal time to congratulate one another on completing another year and a time to say goodbye to the old and welcome in the new. This year’s Chinese New Year Celebration hosted by The City of Vaughan was a huge success! Please for more information about upcoming events hosted by The City of Vaughan.