Medical Grow Op Rules Nearly in Place
March 16, 2015
By Cheryl Jahn
Council has given third reading to a new bylaw that would restrict where medical marijuana grow operations to be established. The rules set out setbacks restrictions and lot size restrictions. For instance, in the green belt and agricultural zoning.
In the spring of 2014, the federal government made a move to move away from residential grow operations to larger commercial operations, but left it to municipalities to restrict their establishment.
Councillors Jillian Merrick and Brian Skakun both touched on they believed were unnecessary stigmas around what amounts to a legal pharmaceutical, but Skakun added the federal government left local government’s holding the bag on restrictions. Councillor Albert Koehler also pointed out that other BC municipalities, like Abbotsford and Chilliwack, have said “no” to grow operations altogether.
The first three reading of the extensive regulations were passed by Council, with Councillor Koehler opposing.