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Council Signs Vaughan Accord

Snapd Vaughan East and Woodbridge
February 2015

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council put the promise of another productive term in writing by signing the Vaughan Accord, a 12-point document that defines the principles of public service. The Accord was unanimously endorsed by all Members of Council, affirming a promise of responsible, co-operative and effective governance.

"The Vaughan Accord is our commitment to the important task of city-building. We have gathered here today as a united Council to sign the Accord and reaffirm our pledge to one another and our citizens that we will work as a team to provide the very best in public service and governance. By adhering to the values upon which the Vaughan Accord has been built - mutual respect, dedication, integrity and accountability - we will continue our journey to building a world-class city," says, Mayor Bevilacqua

The Vaughan Accord was first introduced by Mayor Bevilacqua in 2010 to establish a new era of mutual respect and co-operation. It commits Members of Vaughan Council to work constructively in the best interest of the City of Vaughan and is often sourced as being the catalyst for Vaughan's positive new image.