Corp Comm Connects

Markham to outsource auditor-general task for $150,000 annually
Nov. 6, 2015

The city of Markham will spend $150,000 a year to a firm to serve as auditor general on a contract basis the next four years, based on a committee recommendation.

The city first hired an auditor general in 2008 but the person left for another job in 2010 and the position has since remained vacant.

In April the city announced it was moving to fill the role again and after a study of possible options has chosen to outsource the task.

MNP LLP, the fifth largest business advisory and chartered a accountancy firm in Canada, has been chosen by a city committee to serve as the city’s auditor at a cost of $152,640 a year.

“The Auditor General role assists Council in holding itself and its administrators accountable for the quality of stewardship over public funds and for the achievement of value for money in operations,” a city report states.