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Uber warned it's breaking city bylaw

Company working with officials
Oct. 21, 2015
By Don Peat

Uber has been warned by city officials that it is breaking Toronto’s taxi bylaw.

Tracey Cook, the executive director of municipal licensing and standards (ML&S), confirmed the city informed Uber last week about the changes council made to the taxi bylaw on Sept. 30.

Councillors voted to close the loophole in the city’s taxi and limo rules that kept it from getting an injunction to put the brakes on Uber.

“ML&S staff notified Uber last week of the bylaw changes and that they would be subject to enforcement actions should they fail to comply,” Cook said in a statement.

“Until regulation is amended and/or enacted by council to permit other than the currently licensed taxicabs and limousines, the UberX service will continue to be in non-compliance with city bylaws.”

Licensing has cracked down on some Uber drivers already and Cook stressed her bylaw officers will continue enforcement “in respect to the operations of Uber and its UberX service.

“Individuals thinking about driving for Uber under their UberX service should notify their insurance companies of this fact,” Cook said.

“Passengers who are using the service should also inform themselves in respect to any risk, including their rights in the event of an accident.”

Asked why Uber is continuing to operate despite the warning from city officials, Uber Canada spokesman Susie Heath said the company is working with the city.

“We met with Tracy Cook and ML&S last week and have been in productive communication with them regarding the recent bylaw changes and how we can work within a regulated environment,” Heath said in a statement.