Corp Comm Connects


Mixed-use development settled in Vaughan

Sept. 30, 2015

In a September 4 decision, board member Christopher Conti allowed an appeal, in part, by Nine-Ten West against the City of Vaughan’s failure to make a decision regarding applications for official plan and zoning by-law amendments and a plan of subdivision. The property is bounded by District Avenue, Dufferin Street, Rutherford Road and Grand Trunk Avenue. Nine-Ten West is proposing a highly urbanized mixed-use development-residential, office and commercial-on the 11.2-hectare site. A range of housing types and commercial uses in a compact built form are surrounded by transit and will be integrated with parks and open space.

The board was informed at the outset of the hearing that the parties had reached a settlement. Planner Daniel Leeming (The Planning Partnership) and city planner Mark Antoine provided evidence in support of the settlement. Leeming said that the proposal promotes transit-supportive densities and cost-effective development. He maintained that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and has regard for the Growth Plan. Antoine agreed with Leeming’s testimony, adding that the proposal represents good planning, and recommended its approval.

The board agreed with Leeming and Antoine’s evidence and approved the settlement.

Solicitors involved in this decision were Barry Horosko (Horosko Planning Law) representing Nine-Ten West Limited and Claudia Storto representing the City of Vaughan.