Corp Comm Connects

Vaughan seeking input for road extension designs
Nov. 29, 2023

The City of Vaughan is seeking input into the designs of Interchange Way and Millway Avenue extensions as it updates the VMC Transportation Master Plan to help guide and manage transportation in the city’s core.

When complete, the plan will outline transportation needs, provide a strategy for street connectivity and accessibility, and support multi-modal mobility, such as walking, biking, public transit and ridesharing, through to 2051. As part of the update, municipal class environmental assessments are also advancing for the Interchange Way and Millway Avenue extensions, concurrently.

Preferred road alignment proposals and designs for the extensions of Millway Avenue and Interchange Way are up for review at a public information centre Dec. 5 at the Vaughan Studios & Event Space (200 Apple Mill Rd., main floor). The format is a drop-in from 5 to 7 p.m. to speak to the project team, learn more about the road extensions and provide comments.

Material from the meeting will be available online at, from Dec. 4 until Jan. 31, 2024. Questions, comments and feedback can be emailed to or through an online feedback form.

The vision for the VMC is a complete community that provides amenities of an urban lifestyle: multi-use office towers, residences, access to rapid transit, open green space, urban squares, pedestrian shopping areas, restaurants, walking and cycling paths, and more.

Designs include adequate parking space, transit connections and pedestrian-friendly options are required.

The updated plan will confirm transportation needs, policies and a phasing strategy to 2051. In addition, it will provide an assessment of existing and future transportation conditions in the VMC, outline the transportation needs of residents travelling through the core and evaluate infrastructure needed for a multi-modal transportation network.

Environmental Assessments for the extensions of Interchange Way and Millway Avenue are also advancing. The studies will evaluate alternative designs, select a preferred design, examine impacts on the surrounding environment and identify measures to mitigate those impacts. The proposed extensions of these two streets are the last two significant missing road segments in the major collector road network within the VMC.

The VMC Secondary Plan Update is also underway to coordinate an integrated approach to transportation and land use planning in Vaughan’s downtown core.