City of Vaughan conducting traffic study on Lawford Road
As of June 8, 68% of residents reported they were concerned with speeding in area
Aug. 9, 2023
Brian Capitao
The City of Vaughan is conducting a traffic study on Lawford Road and the surrounding area.
The study area includes Lawford Road, Stanton Avenue, Chatfield Drive and Poetry Drive along with associated local roads, such as Sedgewick Place and Farooq Boulevard, that directly connect to these roads. It also includes Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School, Johnny
Lombardi Public Elementary School and Tommy Douglas Secondary School.
The purpose of the project is to address safety concerns for pedestrians, cyclists, transit and vehicular road users, as future residential development is planned on the southeast corner of the neighbourhood.
Based on feedback from residents, city staff will make recommendations on short- and long-term implementation plans to address any specific issues identified in the neighbourhood, which will be presented to city council for approval.
According to the online survey, 63 per cent of respondents as of June 8 were concerned with speeding in the area, states the public engagement PowerPoint presentation.
Residents looking to submit their own feedback can do so through an online survey, attending an in-person open house or emailing their comments and concerns to by Tuesday, Sept. 19.
For more information, including a map of the study area, visit