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Got a speeding ticket? There'll be fewer places to fight it in York Region after court merger

Traffic court, also known as Provincial Offences Court in Richmond Hill, will be merged into Newmarket location
July 14, 2023
Jeremy Grimaldi

In a year's time, you will have fewer options on where you can fight a traffic ticket.

This after York Region council decided to merge the Richmond Hill Provincial Offences Act court at High Tech Road with the Newmarket court in the York Region Administrative Centre Annex at 17150 Yonge St.

The move comes after a staff report showed the region could save about $600,000 by making the move, while also pointing to new statistics that show there's been a 78-per-cent decrease in in-person court services over the past five years, reducing the need for physical courtrooms.

There is plenty of space and infrastructure in the Newmarket location to absorb the operations of the Richmond Hill location, a York Region news release reads.

"Most court users now prefer to access services remotely, making the consolidation a practical step to optimize resources and adapt to changing preferences," it reads.

The court will feature an increased number of remote hearings and technological advances that could benefit some people.

"By harnessing digital technologies, the region aims to provide convenient, efficient and accessible services," the release adds. "Early digital initiatives such as hybrid proceedings have successfully transformed the court system, benefiting... residents."

The merger is expected to take about a year.

In 2022, York Region Court Services served more than 85,000 people through telephone and in-person appointments. About 41,000 court users used online services.

Provincial offences include speeding, careless driving, not wearing a seat belt, failing to surrender insurance card or possessing a false or invalid insurance card, occupational health and safety and Ministry of the Environment violations and various parking offences.