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Richmond Hill council reinstating committee of the whole meetings effective March 1
March 3, 2023

If you like participating in council-related issues, this is good news for you.

Richmond Hill council is planning to reinstate committee of the whole meetings, beginning on March 1.

This change may mean more opportunities for the public to participate in meetings of council.

“Resuming committee of the whole meetings is a positive move that will maximize public participation in the decision-making process through delegations. And, discussions at committee of the whole meetings will also give members of council more opportunities to consider issues to the fullest extent before decisions are passed at council meetings,” Mayor David West said.

Committee of the whole meetings are discussion-oriented to facilitate council’s decision-making process and the committee forwards recommendations to council meetings for final decision.

Committee of the whole is comprised of all nine members of council.

Committee of the whole meetings will be held the week before a council meeting, typically the first and third Wednesday of each month and council meetings will be held typically on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, with any necessary adjustments for holidays and March break. Both meetings will start at 10 a.m. Council public meetings will be changed to the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Council approved the new schedule for 2023 council and committee meetings at the Nov. 23, 2022 council meeting.

View the council calendar for the 2023 committee of the whole and council meetings schedule.

Meetings will continue to be held in a hybrid format, with participants joining in-person in council chambers at 225 East Beaver Creek Rd., and electronically by telephone or video conference. Meetings are livestreamed and can be watched on the City of Richmond Hill’s YouTube channel.

For dates, times, and details of upcoming meetings, visit the calendar. For information about registering as a delegation, speaking at the public forum, or providing formal correspondence to council, visit the Appear as a Delegation at Council page. For information about agendas, meetings and minutes, go on the city’s website.