Richmond Hill council approves 2031 municipal housing target
Housing target set by province as part of Ontario's goal of building 1.5-million new units by 2031
Simone Joseph
March 27, 2023
Richmond Hill’s housing target is 27,000 new units by 2031.
This target was set by the province as part of Ontario’s goal to achieve 1.5 million new housing units by 2031.
Richmond Hill Council approved the city’s 2031 municipal housing target pledge at a special council meeting on March 21, 2023.
Richmond Hill Council recognizes the need for housing to accommodate growing communities and for housing options that are more affordable, according to a press release. Through this pledge, the city commits to undertaking the initiatives outlined in staff report SRPI.23.033 and to work with stakeholders and governments at all levels to deliver the housing, infrastructure and services needed for current and future residents.
“Council and city staff are working to meet the requirements of Bill 23 including our new municipal housing target pledge,” Mayor David West said. “We all agree that our current and future community members deserve a range of affordable housing choices. They also deserve the infrastructure and services needed to make a city feel like home, including parks, community centres, waste collection, snow clearing, libraries, recreation and more.”
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