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Ontario government announces $100K OTF grant for Schwartz/Reisman Centre

Financial support through the Ontario Trillium Foundation was given to centre back in November

March 17, 2023
Brian Capitao

The Ontario government officially announced its $100,000 capital grant for the Schwartz/Reisman Centre Sunday, March 5 at the Enchanted Purim Parade celebration at the centre.

The Ontario government announced it has given a $100,000 capital grant to the centre through the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The financial support was given back in November.

The money has been allocated for use to help the centre reduce barriers to participation and increase accessibility of its facility.

“Neither age nor disability should be a barrier for individuals wishing to lead a full and engaging life,” said Laura Smith, MPP for Thornhill, in a press release.

The OTF grant will help the centre with the creation of an accessible, user-friendly space that has functional equipment for those with accessibility requirements, enabling individuals with physical restrictions to improve their physical, social, and emotional well-being.

“There has been a demand from our local community and campus partners, such as the Reena residents, after the impact of COVID, to rejoin our community and improve their health,” said Andrew Levy, executive director of the Schwartz/Reisman Centre.

Programs at the centre include cultural arts, social activities, recreation, health and wellness, house league sports, and early childhood education. To learn more about the programs and services available, visit srcentre.ca.