Help Ensure The City’s Winter Operations Run Smoothly And Safely
Jan. 26, 2023
​Remove snow and ice off sidewalks, catch basins and fire hydrants
As the snow continues to fall in Vaughan, City crews work around the clock to provide citizens with efficient, reliable and high-level services. While the City handles salting, windrow clearing, plowing and snow removal along more than 2,200 lane-kilometres of roads and 1,200 kilometres of sidewalks throughout Vaughan, there are a number of ways you can help the City's winter operations run smoothly and make sure you and your neighbours have a safe winter.
The City plows and salts main road sidewalks, residential sidewalks, crosswalks, school crossings, paths and walkways within parks and private roads; however, the sidewalks in front of houses and along your property are your responsibilities as a homeowner to salt and clear. The City's Snow Clearing By-law 227-2022 (PDF) states that you are responsible for removing snow and ice from sidewalks that border your property to ensure your neighbours can walk safely on a clear path without fear of slipping on ice or snow. A fine of up to $500 may be issued to those who do not comply with the by-law.
You are encouraged to report occurrences of snow and ice-covered sidewalks to the City's By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services department by calling Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or by emailing
Catch basins and fire hydrants
Catch basins also need to be cleared of snow and ice to allow for proper drainage and to help prevent flooding on roads. The resident living closest to a catch basin is encouraged to help clear it of snow and ice to prevent flooding, if it's safe to do so. Keep fire hydrants clear and accessible (one metre all around). Blocked, concealed or difficult-to-access fire hydrants can impede emergency fire response. As outlined in the City's Water By-law 106-2022 (PDF), citizens who have a fire hydrant on their property or City property adjacent to theirs are responsible for ensuring the hydrant is always visible and unobstructed.
The City provides windrow-clearing service to all residential driveways in Vaughan; however, the service does not clear windrows in laneways, windrows left by sidewalk plows and does not clear hardened snow, ice or the entire driveway.You are responsible for clearing the small windrow across your driveway created by sidewalk plows.
It's illegal to shovel snow or ice onto the road - so when shovelling your laneway or sidewalk, or removing snow from a catch basin or fire hydrant, do not dump it onto the road. If you have hired a contractor to plow your laneway or sidewalk, ensure they are licensed with the City and that they do not leave snow on the road from their removal. More information can be found in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act- section 181and the City's Dumping By-law 103-2020(PDF).
Parked cars
The City also reminds you not to park cars on streets when the plows are out. On-street parking is not permitted at any time when snowplows are clearing the streets, or between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. in Vaughan without a permit. Crews cannot effectively clear roads and laneways with cars parked along them. Removing parked cars from the streets allows crews to carry out plowing operations safely and ensures the City can clear the entire street. Please ensure your vehicle(s) do not encroach over the sidewalk. Even a partially blocked sidewalk prevents the plows from doing their job properly. As outlined in the City's Parking By-law(PDF), on-street parking that interferes with snow-clearing operations is prohibited. Vehicles found in violation may be subject to a $75 fine or towed at the owner's expense.
Here are more winter tips:
Stay informed!
Everyone has a role to play in ensuring Vaughan is safe for all, especially during the winter. For more information on the City's winter operations, visit For additional details and to receive the latest information on Vaughan's winter operations.