Corp Comm Connects

Vaughan sets wheels in motion for new traffic calming plan

This project is aligned with the directions, programs and plans outlined in the city's mobility management strategy
Jan. 12, 2023
Brian Capitao

The City of Vaughan is drawing up a new traffic calming plan.

The project, for which the City of Vaughan has retained an independent consultant to undertake the Neighborhood Area Calming Policy, Design and Speed Management Plan, is also known as the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Plan.

As part of this project, the city will update the existing Neighbourhood Traffic Committee Policy and Procedures to establish revised guidelines for implementing traffic calming measures along new and existing roads in Vaughan to create a high-quality, people-oriented and sustainable built environment promoting a culture of road safety.

A key component of this project is to move toward a road network where residential and collector streets (low- to moderate-capacity roads that serve to move traffic from local streets to arterial roads) are safe and comfortable for users of all ages and abilities.

Five pilot neighbourhoods will be selected after the city has received input from residents to develop a new traffic calming tool box to get a sense of what is needed. Appropriate traffic calming and speed management approaches will be carefully selected, temporarily installed and actively monitored in each pilot neighbourhood to test out their efficacy.

The data from this project and the updated Neighbourhood Traffic Committee Policy and Procedures will be presented to city council in late 2024.

The public is welcome to submit feedback using an online survey that will be open until Feb. 13 to share ideas and priorities. The survey takes about 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

To submit your opinion, visit