York Region's Accessibility Advisory Committee passes the torch
Oct. 17, 2022
On Sept. 21, 2022, York Region’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (YRAAC) marked the end of their term with a dinner and reception at Old Town Hall in Newmarket.
YRAAC advises the Regional Council and York Regional Police on how to make it easier for people with disabilities to use York Region's programs, services, and facilities. Committee members come from different backgrounds, and most members are people with disabilities, or work closely with those who have disabilities.
"I am most proud of the YRAAC members themselves," said Scott Wollin, a member of YRAAC. "I am especially proud of the most recent project I was involved with. It really felt like a step forward bringing disability, inclusion, and social determinants of health together.
"I have learned more from them and in turn more about disability and myself than I ever thought I would," Wollin continued.
For nearly half the term, the committee held virtual meetings and consultations, due to the pandemic. Members were happy to reunite and see one another in-person again at the reception. It was bittersweet for some, as they marked the end of their time on the committee.
Over the last four years, members of this committee have informed countless projects across the region. By informing everything from Regional plans to mass immunization clinics to housing projects, this committee has stepped up to support the Region.
York Region would like to thank Angelo Tocco, Astley Dennis, Cheryl Davies, Joann Simmons (Vice-Chair), Kirsten Hill, Laurie Fortnum, Lindsey Gold, Sandy Palombo, Scott Wollin and Vito Spatafora for their service, time, and dedication to marking York Region accessible for everyone.
Recruitment for the 2023-2026 YRAAC term is currently underway. If you or someone you know is interested in helping make York Region even more accessible, please visit york.ca/accessibility to learn more and apply.