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Aurora to install dog waste containers in local parks and trails
June 1, 2022

The Town of Aurora is going to install dog waste containers in an effort to divert waste from the landfill.

Ten containers will be installed in local parks and trails starting this spring with all units completed by the end of June.

The large capacity containers are installed underground where the depth allows for cooler conditions and no direct sunlight. This helps eliminate odour, maximize capacity and improve waste diversion.

The containers are concrete that hold dog waste for up to six weeks, which reduces the amount of times for service. The waste will be collected through the Green For Life Environmental contract and accepted through York Region’s green collection program.

The containers feature an above-grade access tube, designed to accept small bags of dog waste and to minimize contamination by other waste.

“This is a great step forward for Aurora in keeping our parks and trails clean,” said Mayor Tom Mrakas. “Dog waste has been placed in our parks and trails garbage and recycling bins causing foul odours and contaminating the bins. This innovative solution will provide residents and visitors with a place to put their waste, ensuring the parks are clean and enjoyable for everyone.”

The town will install the containers at the following locations: