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Delivering on Vaughan MoveSmart ahead of schedule

Industry news roundup: march 25, 2022
March 28, 2022

In March 2021, the City of Vaughan launched a one-of-a-kind, holistic MoveSmart Mobility Management Strategy (MoveSmart) in response to the population growth and increase in travel demand in this thriving community. Now, just one year later, MoveSmart has made progress onĀ  a number of road safety and active and sustainable travel initiatives to help meet the city’s existing and evolving transportation needs.

In a Council meeting on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, the City’s Public Works staff presented a comprehensive MoveSmart report to Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council, outlining the successes of the 2021 initiatives. The City began implementing 14 of the 29 listed initiatives in 2021 -- way ahead of schedule!

Here is an overview of some of the projects completed or underway and the next steps the City will take for 2022:

Road Safety Program

The Road Safety Program is designed to create a culture of safety for all road users through partnerships and education. Elements of the program include:

Speed Limit Policy: The City’s Speed Limit Policy launched in the summer of 2021 to set and adjust appropriate speed limits throughout the City’s street network to ensure a safe community for all road users and address growing urbanization. Highlights are as follows:
In September 2021, speed limits in school zone areas, including surrounding parks, walkways and open spaces, were reduced from 50 kilometres per hour to 40 kilometres per hour.
In December 2021, speed limits in all public laneways were reduced to 30 kilometres per hour from 50 kilometres per hour.
By fall 2022, speed limits in select neighbourhood areas will be reduced from 50 kilometres per hour to 40 kilometres per hour.

Traffic and Speed Management Studies: The City undertook a couple of traffic mitigation, operational and road safety reviews in the village of Kleinburg and the Athabasca community to identify and inform appropriate traffic mitigation and calming measures for implementation. Final reports are anticipated to be completed this year.

#SlowDownVaughan campaign: Launched in the fall of 2021, the campaign invites residents to post a #SlowDownVaughan sign on their lawn, in their windows or on social media to encourage the public to slow down while driving on City roads.

Radar Speed Board Program: The City introduced 15 additional speed boards for use throughout Vaughan and is having preliminary discussions with York Region to begin implementing automated speed enforcement once available.

Road Safety Strategic Plan: The City intends to launch this plan by fall 2023, in partnership with York Region, to create a holistic approach to road safety.

Mobility Management Program

The Mobility Management Program uses innovative technology to modernize the City’s traffic signal system and ensure pedestrians, cyclists and vehicle traffic continue to travel safely and efficiently. The program contains:

Flexible In-Road Speed Management Program: This program incorporated flexi signs (flexible signs installed on the road) throughout Vaughan at select locations in 2021 as a speed managementĀ  measure to create narrower roadways and encourage drivers to slow down.
Pavement markings and signs: The City has piloted enhancements to pavement markings across Vaughan and used special stencilling in school zones that spell out reminders, such as “slow school zone.”

LED Streetlight Retrofit Program: The City has upgraded approximately 20,000 streetlights from high-pressure sodium to LED technology through the City-wide LED Streetlight Retrofit Program. Phase 1 was completed in 2021, and Phase 2 will be completed this year.

Streetlight Pole Replacement Program: The City replaced 50 streetlight poles in 2021. Fifty more streetlight poles will be replaced this year.
Sustainable Mobility Program

The Sustainable Mobility Program supports the planning and development of environmentally friendly modes of transportation, including walking, as well as existing and emerging micro-mobility options, such as e-bicycles and motorcycles. Elements of the program include:

School Crossing Guard Program: The City developed a training video for school crossing guards to highlight safety protocols in place.
Safer School Zones and Community Safety Zones Plans: A peer review of other municipalities was completed in 2021 to help develop and prepare a scope of work for these plans moving forward.

Active School Travel: In 2022, this pilot project will launch in collaboration with York Region school boards in nine schools -- representing all five of Vaughan’s wards. It involves piloting traffic-calming measures along with a toolkit of initiatives such as wayfinding signage, winter walk days, bike-to-school days, hopscotch during spring and fall seasons, and different activities to engage and encourage children to stay active.

Traffic Data Management Program

The Traffic Data Management Program allows the City to expand on the traffic data collected, optimize the efficiency and timeliness in which the data is collected, and enable data analysis tools and techniques. It includes:

The Traffic Data Management System: The City has acquired a Traffic Data Management System and is currently identifying the traffic data requirements to support MoveSmart. This holistic data system will allow the integration and exchange of traffic information with the local and regional road networks. It will also help staff manage the transportation network more efficiently and meet the City's current and future traffic management needs.

To stay informed on MoveSmart project plans and updates, visit