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We need more family-friendly affordable homes, not towers, reader writes

Opinion: letter to the editor
March 23, 2022

My family moved to Woodbridge in 1984.

A great place to raise our family. No condos with more than six stories is what we were told back then. I love Vaughan, and my family also lives here. I understand that city development has changed with the “Downtown Vision."

I was reading the article -- Thousands more people to call Vaughan's emerging downtown home in future -- that indicated the city’s plan for condos units. With future development completed, it will total close to 15,000 units plus more to come. With a population of approximately 30,000 residents. Most of these units are small units appropriate for young singles and couples.

How does anyone expect families to be raised in these cement towers? These condos are highly priced and not designed to raise children. Where do all these families move?

What we need is more family-friendly affordable homes for young families, not more towers. Where are the schools for these children? Maybe a playground?

Great tax dollars for air space for the city, but does it make sense for our community? The region is trying to solve our housing crisis and make lots of tax dollars in the process.

Please, think about young people who are trying to get into “homes” to raise their children. I don’t think the future development plan is anyone's vision. Just the region’s Money Managers and Rich Developers!

Elsa Ubbriaco
