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'At grade route segment' of Yonge subway extension focus of upcoming Metrolinx community meeting

Noise and vibration, natural environment, cultural heritage and air quality will be addressed March 2
March 1, 2022
Heidi Riender

The ”at grade route segment” of the Yonge North Subway Extension is the subject of the next community information meeting being hosted by Metrolinx March 2.

The two-hour virtual meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and will focus on issues addressed in the Environmental Project Report (EPR) Addendum, including noise and vibration, natural environment, cultural heritage and air quality.

The Addendum was released on Feb. 10, and is open for public review and feedback until March 14.

Those wishing to participate in the March 2 Zoom call can vote on the questions they’d most like answered, with questions being addressed by panelists in an order based on total votes.

Viewers can also submit questions during the meeting, including through a live call-in option.