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What’s Open and Closed in Toronto on Family Day
Feb. 22, 2022

Monday, February 21, marks Family Day in Ontario. Since most Ontarians have the day off, we’ve compiled a list of places that are open and closed for the holiday to keep you and your family entertained all day long.

This year, there will be plenty of things to do now that capacity limits have been lifted in places like restaurants, gyms, movie theatres, casinos, and indoor spaces that require proof of vaccination. However, restrictions still apply at sporting events, concerts, and other settings.

Whether you’re looking for something fun to do with your family, or you need to run a quick errand, here’s what’s open and closed in Toronto this Family Day.

What’s Closed:





What’s Open:



Major Malls:


Grocery stores:
While most major grocery stores will be closed on Family Day, some local stores will remain open. Be sure to call your local store before heading out.