Georgina digs out with new windrow clearing program
Jan. 27, 2022
As we brace ourselves for the next snowfall, the town recently approved windrow clearing pilot program for residents who cannot clear the heavy pile at the end of the driveway left by snowplows.
“This is a service our community needs as many seniors and people with disabilities are unable to clear the windrow created by snowplows,” said Mayor Margaret Quirk.
Here’s what you need to know about the new pilot program.
What is a windrow?
The pile of snow at the end of the driveway created by snowplows when they clear the road.
Who is eligible for the new window removal program?
Georgina residents 65 years or older or those with mobility constraints.
Are there other requirements?
All occupants of the house must be 65 years and older; or
Those younger than 65 must have a formal doctor’s note, disability certificate or functional abilities form signed by a medical practitioner identifying the person is unable to shovel snow.
When can I apply for the program?
Applications are now open and the pilot program is set to start Feb. 1.
When will the windrow to be cleared?
Residents who meet the eligibility criteria can expect service within 24 hours after the snowplows have cleared the roads following a minimum three-inch snowfall.
What will be cleared?
The windrow clearing service will clear enough snow from the end of residential driveways for one car (about seven-feet wide).
What won’t be cleared?
The windrow clearing service does not include clearing snow from driveways, from private walkways to a residence or the snow windrow left by the sidewalk snowplow.
How do I apply for the pilot program?
Visit to fill out an online application.