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Toronto residents warned not to feed coyotes in south Etobicoke park
Jan. 17, 2022
Jane Stevenson

Toronto residents are being reminded, again, not to feed coyotes after reports of people leaving food out in Colonel Samuel Smith Park.

The park, located in south Etobicoke along Lake Ontario, is home to numerous wildlife. In a news release Friday, the City of Toronto cautioned that “feeding coyotes and wild animals increases their presence and causes them to lose their fear of people, creating problems for both the wildlife and our neighbourhoods.”

City spokesperson Brad Ross said while there have been no recent negative interactions in terms of coyotes attacking people or their pets in that park, it has happened in the past with small animals.

“Coyotes don’t typically pose a threat to humans or attack humans,” he said. “But they do to small animals and we want people’s pets to be safe. We want everyone to be safe. One way to do that is to not feed coyotes.”

The city release noted “most interactions with coyotes were the result of a nearby, regular food source, primarily intentional feeding by people.”

Last year, the City of Toronto received more than 3,600 reports about coyote sightings.

“Coyotes are certainly more visible (at this time) because of the lack of foliage and their ability to hide,” Ross said, adding it’s also mating season. He said coyotes help control the city’s rodent and rabbit populations.

Residents who see someone feeding a coyote are asked to contact 311, as it is against city bylaws and the fine is $365.

Coyote sightings can be reported to Toronto Animal Services by calling 416-338-PAWS (7297) or emailing .