Richmond Hill to invest $77M in the community
Oct. 21, 2021
Richmond Hill council continues to deliver on its priority of fiscal responsibility with a $77-million draft 2022 capital budget that will focus on efficient and well-timed maintenance of core city assets.
Richmond Hill's capital budgeting process underwent a comprehensive review in 2021 to integrate the city's enterprise asset management system into capital planning. This ensures the city prioritizes the right projects at the right time for optimal use of available funding and maximum value to taxpayers.
The draft capital budget focuses on the repair, replacement and enhancement of core city assets such as roads, stormwater ponds and sewers. Richmond Hill will also rejuvenate several local parks and update mechanical systems at Rouge Woods, Richvale and Bayview Hill community centres.
Significant projects in the capital budget include:
Highway 404 Overpass North of 16th Avenue (City contribution to York Region project)
King Road reconstruction (City contribution to York Region project)
Bathurst Street (water main replacement north of Major Mackenzie Drive to Elgin Mills Road)
Bethesda Sideroad reconstruction (road and illumination from Anchusa Drive to Leslie Street)
Operations Centre roof replacement (Phase 2) -- construction
Oak Ridges Community Centre -- exterior wall rehabilitation
Twickenham Stormwater Ponds -- rehabilitation
Dove Park Revitalization -- construction
Yonge Street Sanitary Master Servicing Plan (City contribution)
Replace Aerial Fire Truck
The majority (80 per cent) of the capital budget is funded by non-tax sources, such as the Canada Community-Building Fund (formerly federal gas tax grants), the stormwater rate and development charges. Richmond Hill council set a maximum of $16 million (20 per cent) to be funded by property tax supported reserve funds.
The Budget Committee of the Whole approved the draft 2022 capital budget at its meeting Oct. 19. The capital budget will go to the Oct. 27 council meeting for final approval.