York Region tackles issue of 'rub and tug' parlours and sex trafficking
Oct. 19, 2021
Is the region poised to become a battleground in the war against sex trafficking?
York Region’s committee of the whole has asked staff for a report after a delegation raised concerns about body rubs being a front for prostitution.
But some, including Newmarket Mayor John Taylor, had words of warning: this could get messy.
At an Oct. 14 meeting, Robert Vallee, with Parents Against Child Trafficking and Council of Women Against Sex Trafficking, called on regional council to make York the first zone in Ontario free from sex trafficking and prostitution through body rub parlours.
Vallee urged municipalities across the region to “exit the business” in the same way Newmarket did.
In June, Newmarket council approved a bylaw requiring workers in massage establishments to have Canadian accreditation.
The town's new bylaw aims to capture the difference between legitimate massage, wellness and spa businesses, and “rub and tug” parlours offering services related to sex.
Vallee praised Newmarket's initiative, saying it will enable the town to shut down body rub parlours and bogus wellness centres.
Vallee said Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill and Aurora continue to have a problem with businesses selling sex illegally and should follow Newmarket’s lead.
It's illegal, under Canada’s Criminal Code, to earn money from owning, managing or working for a business knowing sexual services are purchased there, but Vallee said his group’s investigation has found 135 such businesses in York region “operating in broad daylight.”
He called on council to request changes from the Attorney General and Solicitor General to make “strip clubs, bogus massage parlours and escort agencies a thing of the past.”
Several members of council argued it’s a matter for local municipalities and York Region Police.
“If there is illegal activity, then we need to get the proper authorities to investigate,” said Richmond Hill Reg. Coun. Carmine Perrelli.
Police are not enforcing the criminal code on prostitution issues, Vallee said.
Newmarket Mayor John Taylor said it's a matter of priorities and funding.
“Police have a limited capacity to address this," he said. "Every police service in North America will dictate to a degree what they can and can not pursue.”
Taylor said his town came up with a solution with help from a new manager of regulatory services from Western Canada -- “a very interesting, creative and seasoned professional who brought new ideas” -- that involves screening the licensing of businesses.
It’s easy to identify the ones flagrantly disregarding the law, where police don’t have the ability to address it, and they can be unlicensed, he said.
A majority of council members agreed the issue was worth studying and possibly taking a unified regional stand.
“This is far from just a local issue. It is very complex, it will involve all three levels of government I’m sure, and trying to strengthen our ability to weed out illegal activity within our communities,” said Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti.
“If we can put joint efforts on dealing with this problem, I’m very supportive of that.”
Taylor cautioned councillors to anticipate controversy.
"I'm not opposed to looking at it. It's an important topic for our communities. But it is quite the process."
During the summer meetings that addressed the topic, Newmarket councillors came under attack, accused of racism and discriminating against low-income, non-English-speaking Asian employees working in massage parlours.
“There is massive debate out there and merit on both sides,” Taylor said. “It was one of the top, if not the topmost unpleasant experience of my time in politics.
“For a person who believes immensely in diversity and inclusivity, I was called a racist point blank, so many times, in print and in deputations, I can’t describe it. The deputations will come from the United States, from Vancouver, from Toronto ... very upset with you because you're conflating sex trafficking with sex work ... I believe where we landed is the right place, but it is a very unpleasant exercise getting there.”