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'Slippery slope': Farmers, environmentalists decry move to open Greenbelt lands in Markham, Vaughan
Oct. 18, 2021

Environmental activists say they’re disappointed with a move by York Region councillors to let developers make use of protected Greenbelt lands.

The 15-5 vote at the Aug. 14 committee of the whole meeting -- permitting portions of the Greenbelt to be redesignated from “prime agricultural” to “rural” -- goes against staff recommendations in Vaughan, Markham and York Region as well as the Toronto Region Conservation (TRCA) and York Federation of Agriculture.

Developers have been pushing for an amendment to the region’s Official Plan permitting a broad range of uses including active urban parkland, rural residential, commercial or industrial uses.

The lands in question, more than 1,400 acres of protected countryside in Vaughan and Markham, is referred to as “Green Fingers” because of their linear extent into urban settlement areas.

A consortium of private landowners submitted an application to the region to change the designation of those lands, asserting their intention is to build parks, only, in those protected areas.

That assurance is good to hear, said Newmarket Mayor John Taylor, but it does not guarantee developers won’t want more in the future.

Taylor, along with several other councillors, environmentalists, farmers, city and regional planners, warned the decision could have far-reaching implications.

Vaughan resident Irene Ford said the committee’s decision sets a precedent and puts developers “one step closer to building on the Greenbelt.”

Albert Witteveen, chair of the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance, warned it would strike a blow to protection of agricultural and natural heritage lands, leading the Golden Horseshoe “down a slippery slope” of escalating pressure to convert agricultural lands.

“We strongly urge you not to bow to private interests in this matter and to take the guidance and advice of the professional planners in your communities who are opposing this move.”

York’s chief planner, Paul Freeman, said the region would prefer to see the land used as an ecological buffer with passive uses such as tree planting, community gardens or trails.

Allowing developers to build active urban parks (such as soccer fields or waterplay areas) could be considered an expansion of the urban settlement area contrary to the intent of protecting the Greenbelt, the staff report said.

Instead, staff advised waiting for a draft of the new Regional Official Plan, scheduled to be released later this year, that will include policy direction for all Greenbelt Green Fingers and ensure a consistent, comprehensive and balanced approach across the region.

But a majority of council members agreed with the developers’ view that a decision is needed now, saying redesignation is appropriate and keeps planning matters in local hands.

Vaughan Regional Coun. Linda Jackson, who put forward the redesignation motion, said the finger land -- currently open fields that have been farmed for more than 100 years -- could be planted with trees and shrubs to improve the ecosystem.

Allowing trail-walking on the land, but not a playground, is “splitting hairs,” she said.

If the land is not redesignated as developers requested, it could stay in private ownership, fenced off so that residents would have no access, she said.

Developers argued that in the case of the lands in Vaughan, multiple schools, a community centre and other uses are required in the new community, leaving just 30 per cent for housing.

To meet provincial requirements, it would necessitate a “very high” density community, said Don Given, speaking on behalf of the landowners.

Critics argued the changed land designation would just put money in developers’ pockets.

“Landowners may sell it or obtain credit for parkland, worth millions of dollars,” said David Donnelly, spokesperson for Friends to Conserve Kleinburg.

A majority of council voted to support redesignation of the protected countryside and to allow municipalities to determine the details.

Opposing the move were Taylor, Georgina Mayor Margaret Quirk, Markham Deputy Mayor Don Hamilton, Regional Coun. Jack Heath, and King Mayor Steve Pellegrini.

If approved, the amendment goes to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval.