Richmond Hill presents fundraising speaker event on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Sept. 7, 2021
Featuring guest speaker and residential school survivor Dawn Hill
In recognition of the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30, 2021, the City of Richmond Hill and the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts are honoured to invite residents to a virtual fundraising event featuring guest speaker and residential school survivor Dawn Hill.
Date: Sept. 30
Time: 10 a.m. to noon
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Tickets: $10 -- Available at All proceeds to go to Mohawk Village Memorial Park.
Speaker event on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Hill is a retired teacher and current secretary/treasurer of Mohawk Village Memorial Park, a not-for-profit charity run by a group of residential school survivors.
The group's mandate is to build a memorial park dedicated to all the children who attended the Mohawk Institute Residential School over its 142 years.
The speaker event will include a one-hour presentation followed by a live Q&A session.
Participants will have a unique opportunity to hear firsthand Hill's story and gain a deeper understanding of the personal impact of the residential school system.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit