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WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? Proposal plans 124 single houses at Major Mackenzie, Hwy. 404
Sept. 23, 2021

A plan for a low density residential development has been proposed for 124 single detached dwelling units at the southwest corner of Major Mackenzie Drive and Highway 404 in Richmond Hill. The Ontario government has granted a minister's zoning order (MZO) to expedite development of the lands.


Who: Montagna Capital (BT) Inc.

Where: 1577 to 1621 Major Mackenzie Dr. E.

What: A request has been received for approval of a plan of subdivision, for lands on the addresses above. The application seeks to facilitate a low density residential development comprised of 124 single detached dwelling units, in addition to blocks for park, servicing and road purposes on the subject lands. The lands are accessed through draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(R)-11004.

What next: A "complete" development application has been received by the City of Richmond Hill pursuant to the Planning Act. The application has been circulated to city departments and external agencies for review and comment. A council public meeting will be scheduled and held at a later date, with formal notice being provided pursuant to the statutory requirements of the Planning Act.

Any person wishing to submit written comments that will become part of the public record may do so by email to, or by mail to the City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill, 225 East Beaver Creek Rd., Richmond Hill, Ont., L4B 3P4, or fax to 905-771-2502.

Contact: Additional information about the application may be obtained by contacting the assigned planner, Simone Fiore, at 905-771-2479 or

If you wish to be notified of the approval or refusal of the proposed draft plan of subdivision, you must make a written request to the city clerk.