'It's pretty magical': 25th Newmarket Mayor's Charity Golf Classic raises $200K for Inn From the Cold
Newmarket's shelter has launched a $2.5M capital campaign for its new headquarters, transitional housing on Yonge
Sept. 17, 2021
Joseph Quigley
Newmarket and its businesses went all-in to kick off Inn from the Cold’s capital campaign with $200,000 raised at the Mayor’s Charity Golf Classic.
The homelessness charity launched its $2.5-million fundraising effort Sept. 15, boosted by Newmarket Mayor John Taylor's 25th anniversary edition of the golf classic.
Executive director Ann Watson said the golf classic was a great place to announce the campaign in support of a new transitional housing and headquarters situated at 17046 Yonge St.
“So much of Newmarket’s community is here,” Watson said. “There’s a lot of volunteers in this who are volunteers for Inn From the Cold, and it just kind of reflects how embedded in the community this organization is.”
The annual tournament started by former mayor John Cole takes place at the Cardinal Golf Club in King, with participants supporting various initiatives chosen by the mayor and town staff volunteering to help run it. This year, the event featured two tournaments, one each in the morning and afternoon to keep numbers down due to COVID-19 protocols.
Newmarket’s previous three mayors attended to commemorate the anniversary, including Cole, Tom Taylor and now Newmarket-Aurora MP Tony Van Bynen.
Mayor John Taylor said it is incredible how the community has supported the event, with some businesses backing it for more than 20 years.
“Think about 25 years. All of the community groups which they’ve supported made the community a better, stronger, more inclusive, healthy place,” Taylor said. “It’s pretty magical."
Inn from the Cold is working to create a new facility as it has outgrown the current facility it is leasing. The municipality is donating some of the land Inn From the Cold is using for the development.
Watson said the campaign will run for two years, with construction happening as soon as possible with fundraising ongoing.
The design of the building will be based on "a modular approach,” she said. “We’re using a proven type of concept (that's) affordable, energy-efficient ... and very homey and welcoming.”
John Taylor said Inn From the Cold is working with municipal planning to progress the project.
“I am confident this is going to continue and succeed in the next year, and we’re going to build that centre,” he told the crowd. “You are making a massive difference.”
“Inn From the Cold belongs to the community. Homelessness is not a choice, and we have seen dozens and dozens and dozens of people move forward,” Watson said. “We just want to be able to do that for more people.”