Corp Comm Connects

McCowan Road to be closed in Stouffville for 2 weeks
July 12, 2021

McCowan Road between Stouffville and Bethesda roads will be closed for two weeks from Monday, July 12 to 26. Local access will be maintained for residents and businesses in the closed section.

The work is required to replace a culvert, a structure that allows water to run unobstructed from one side of the road to the other.

To help manage daily commutes during construction, travellers can plan their route by using traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data used by many app developers.

As with other road construction projects, work may be rescheduled due to weather conditions or delays related to COVID-19 Public Health guidelines.

The Region said they recognize construction can be inconvenient. Every effort will be made to minimize disruptions and keep residents informed with regular updates.

For more information about this project and other road construction projects, please visit