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You asked, we answered

COVID-19: UrbanToronto Updates from the Industry for June 7, 2021
June 8, 2021

The global COVID-19 pandemic is having far-reaching effects in Toronto, including major impacts on the real estate and building industries. As a means to keep the public in the loop about the shutdowns, we'll be sharing information and status updates from around the industry on a regular basis.

In today's report: You asked, we answered


Have a question about a service in Vaughan? Want to report an issue? Looking for an update on the City’s COVID-19 response efforts? Access Vaughan is standing by with Citizen Service Representatives ready to respond to all citizen inquiries. Reach the City’s contact centre by phone at 905-832-2281 (toll-free: 1-844-832-2112) or by email at

Every month, the City releases popular questions received and responded to by Access Vaughan in a series called ‘You Asked, We Answered.’ Below are the top five inquiries received in May.

1. How does the City control dandelions in public spaces?

To control dandelions in City parks, boulevards, sports fields and other green spaces, grass in these areas is cut regularly to keep dandelions at a minimum. Even with regular cuts, areas may appear unkempt as weeds grow faster than grass. To protect the environment, the City implemented a Pesticide By-law (PDF) to regulate the use of herbicides to control weeds, such as dandelions, on public and private property. For more information, visit the City’s dandelion webpage.

Are you looking for tips to help prevent and manage dandelions on your property? Read the City’s recent public service announcement.

2. What outdoor amenities are open and closed?

​Under the Government of Ontario’s direction, the following outdoor amenities are now open in Vaughan:

Skateboard parks
Sports fields, including synthetic soccer fields -- please note, team sports and organized play are prohibited

Tennis, basketball and bocce courts
Trails and parks, including the off-leash dog park at 299 Racco Parkway, remain open. If visiting these amenities, remember to follow public health guidelines, including physically distancing at least six feet (two metres) from others, wearing a mask or face covering when physical distancing is not possible, and thoroughly washing and sanitizing hands before and after use of the facilities. For more information on COVID-19 safety measures in York Region, visit York Region Public Health’s website at

3. How do I get rid of Gypsy Moth caterpillars?

Gypsy Moths are currently between the caterpillar and pupa stages of their life cycle. Below are steps you can take to protect the trees on your property:

Using gloves, pick caterpillars or pupae off leaves, tree trunks and branches and soak them in soapy water to destroy them. Alternatively, spray warm, soapy water on the trees and discard the insects.
Collect caterpillars by wrapping tree trunks in burlap and remove and destroy insects daily in soapy water. Wrap it around the tree’s trunk, secure in the centre with a rope and fold the top half over the bottom to form a ring. The insects will move under the burlap, making it easy for you to remove and discard them.
Spray BTK -- an organic insecticide that can be effective when applied to caterpillars. It is non-toxic to animals, humans, plants and most other insects and is available at most hardware stores and nurseries.  
To help control the Gypsy Moth population, the City began city-wide treatment in May in heavily infested areas. The City has removed approximately 2,000 egg masses from more than 500 public trees. To receive up-to-date information on the City’s continued efforts to control the Gypsy Moth population, keep checking back at

4. How do I get a pool permit?

Permits for pools, residential additions, accessory structures, new homes and subdivision grading can be submitted and approved through the City’s online permit portal.

As outlined in the City’s Fence By-law (PDF), you must obtain a swimming pool enclosure permit for any structure that holds a depth of 76 centimetres (30 inches) of water or more on private property -- including in-ground pools, permanent above-ground pools such as swim spas and hot tubs, and temporary/seasonal pools that can be stored away. This permit is a safety requirement to ensure proper fencing and secure access to the pool. Learn about pool enclosure permit application requirements (PDF) --  including drawing requirements, fence enclosure details, site grading plan measures, City staff contact details and more -- and read the City’s pool permits notes (PDF) on when to initiate the review process, how to install retaining walls, how to handle pool discharge and more.

Visit for more information.

5. Where do I find the latest COVID-19 information in Vaughan?

The City continues to take a disciplined, responsible and measured approach to COVID-19 -- precautionary measures remain in place to protect everyone in the community from further transmission of the virus. The latest updates are available at

The City's By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services department, in partnership with regional public health officials, York Regional Police and other levels of government, remains at the forefront in applying and enforcing provincial regulations by the direction of the York Region Medical Officer of Health. Greater attention and a more proactive approach are underway, including enforcement of the City’s COVID-19 Emergency Measures By-law. Public complaints, concerns and inquiries should be reported to Access Vaughan by phone at 905-832-2281 or email at