Corp Comm Connects

Ford government adding acreage to Greenbelt is obfuscation at its finest
June 23, 2021
Councillor Marilyn Iafrate

Feeling heat on MZOs, Ford government says it will add 6,000 acres to Ontario’s Greenbelt, June 16

Adding lands already protected to the Greenbelt inventory is disingenuous at best; Ontarians are not stupid.

And where is the benefit of adding acreage to the Greenbelt outside an affected area? Example, if the residents of Vaughan lost 100 acres of Greenbelt to an MZO or Hwy. 413, how does this benefit the local community if its swapped with 100 acres in Port Perry, Beaverton or Guelph?

Once the integrity of the local ecosystem is destroyed, it’s irreversible.

My community does not support land swaps that are designed to benefit MZO development.

Marilyn Iafrate, Coun. Ward 1, Maple/Kleinburg