Looking to join in on June activities in Newmarket? Here are 5 opportunities
'Check out some of these virtual events we have planned for June,' mayor says
June 16, 2021
Sara Alves Fernandes
You can still get in on a month-long list of exciting activities Newmarket has to offer in June.
With June as Recreation and Park Month, Pride Month, National Indigenous History Month, Bike Month and Seniors Month, there are many events to join.
“During the month of June, we have so much to celebrate and while many of our celebrations are virtual, we are standing apart together by making Newmarket a great place to live and play,” Mayor John Taylor said.
Here are five opportunities:
Recreation and Park Month
Learn the benefits that recreation and parks have on your physical, social and environmental health through a variety of virtual events at Newmarket.ca/recmonth.
National Indigenous History Month
With National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21, this month is a special time to honour the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Celebrate at home and learn more about the cultural diversity of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Visit newmarket.ca/indigenous for more information.
Seniors Month
Recognize the contributions seniors make in the community. Programs focus on services enabling seniors to remain safe, healthy, and to live life to the fullest. For online activities, programs and ways to stay connected visit newmarket.ca/adults55+
Pride Month
During Pride Month, check out virtual events from York Pride at yorkpride.ca and from Pride Toronto at pridetoronto.com. For online ideas on how to celebrate at home, with crafts, decorations, recipes, and even how to make a parade in the comfort of your own home, visit newmarket.ca/homesweethome.
Bike Month
Participate in a celebration of cycling through opportunities for people riding a bike for the first time, learning new skills or just having fun. Find out about the town’s cycling routes and safety tips from Belle the Bike at newmarket.ca/cycling. Educational videos are available at newmarket.ca/cyclingsafety.
“It’s important for residents, of all ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds to feel not only welcome in our community, but that their needs have been considered in all our parks, recreation facilities, and programs. I hope everyone takes a moment to check out some of these virtual events we have planned for June.” Taylor said.
For more information, visit Newmarket.ca/recmonth.