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Group calls on city to remove Alexander Wood statue from gay village


Jane Stevenson
June 10, 2021

Toronto Mayor John Tory says if the Church-Wellesley Village BIA want to remove a statue of Alexander Wood in the gay village because of his past link to residential schools for Indigenous children, they are free to do so.

Speaking at his afternoon media briefing Wednesday, Tory said the CWVBIA asked for the statue’s installation in the first place and “largely” paid for it in 2005.

But CWVBIA Chair Christopher Hudspeth says they split the $200,000 statue 50-50 with the city, the latter paying the entire cost of the installation.

A Tuesday statement from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam appears to backup Hudspeth’s claim.

“In 2005, the statue was commissioned and installed by the CWVBIA with a cost-sharing grant from the City of Toronto’s Economic Development Culture and Tourism Office,” said Tam.

“Under this agreement, it is stipulated the statue must be removed by the CWVBIA with 90 days written notice from the City, as such the CWVBIA can remove the statue at any time at their discretion.”

“So far that’s not a legal position,” said Hudspeth, who wants something in writing from the city “and then we will look at our options. But we truly believe because the city was a partner in this, they paid 50%, they paid for all of the installation, we feel they have a responsibility (to help in its removal).”

The CWVBIA wrote a letter to the city on Tuesday asking it to remove Wood’s statue at the corner of Church and Alexander Sts. after discovering Wood was the treasurer and a founding member of an organization called the “Society for Converting and Civilizing the Indians and Propagating the Gospel Among Destitute Settlers in Upper Canada.”

The society, according to the letter, raised money for the “St. John’s Missionary to the Ojibway 1832,” which eventually became the Shingwauk Industrial Home in 1873 in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. and later the Shingwauk Residential School that closed in 1978.

The demand came after a vandalized statue of Egerton Ryerson, considered one of the chief architects of residential schools, was brought down and its head removed Sunday night at Ryerson University by protesters honouring 215 children whose remains were discovered underneath Kamloops Indian Residential School.

Hudspeth said he would not like the same fate to meet the Wood statue.

“It’s not the way I would like to see it take place,” he said. “I would rather see the statue go into a museum of other statues where we could learn from. But if people take it down, that’ll be up to the people.”

The CWVBIA release says once Wood’s statue is removed, the space should be used for “a project that is 2 Spirit-advised” with the cost shared by them and the city.

Tory said on Wednesday he would consider it.

“I don’t like to say yes I’ll agree to a cost when I don’t know what the amount is,” said Tory. “Or yes I will agree to a concept when I don’t know what it is, but I would be open to that.”