Aurora completes first three milestones in national climate protection program
'Completion of the plan is a major step in our fight against climate change,' mayor says
May 14, 2021
Sara Alves Fernandes
Aurora has been recognized for completing the first three milestones in a national program to promote climate protection.
Partners for Climate Protection is a five-step framework that helps municipalities take action against the effects of climate change and reduce their use of greenhouses gasses.
The program is a collaboration between the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Local Governments for Sustainability.
Aurora was honoured for its community energy plan (CEP), which sets out how the town can lower its 2018 community-level greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.
The municipality is setting up a staff working group, which will meet regularly to discuss and report on the execution of the plan.
The town’s plan includes expanding electric vehicle charging stations at town facilities and more.
“By reaching milestone 3, Aurora is moving steadily through the PCP framework and toward a greener community,” Mayor Tom Mrakas said.
“The completion of the plan is a major step in our fight against climate change. I look forward to the implementation of the actions, as well as the monitoring of progress and reporting on results, which form the remaining milestones in the PCP framework.”
For more information about Partners for Climate Protection, visit