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Vaughan COVID-19 Update

COVID-19: UrbanToronto Updates from the Industry for April 6, 2021
April 7, 2021

The global COVID-19 pandemic is having far-reaching effects in Toronto, including major impacts on what have been booming real estate and building industries. As a means to keep the public in the loop about the shutdowns, we'll be sharing information and status updates from around the industry on a regular basis.

In today's report: Vaughan COVID-19 Update


With the Province of Ontario’s announcement that all public health units in Ontario will be moved into a shutdown zone (emergency brake) for at least four weeks, citizens are urged to stay vigilant and continue to follow York Region Public Health guidance -- such as staying home as much as possible, wearing a mask and physical distancing.

The City of Vaughan continues to take a disciplined, responsible and measured approach to COVID-19 -- precautionary measures remain in place to protect everyone in the community from further transmission of COVID-19. The latest updates are available at

Effective Saturday, April 3, the following changes to City facilities, programs and services will come into effect based on the provincial directive:

City swimming pools and fitness centres are closed. In-person fitness classes are cancelled. Refunds will be issued automatically to all registered participants and permit holders without penalty during this closure. All memberships will be extended for the duration of the closure. Virtual fitness classes will continue to be available via Zoom and YouTube. Maple Community Centre will continue to operate as a vaccination site by appointment only. Father E. Bulfon Community Centre will serve as a future vaccination site.
In-person April Break camps and aquatic leadership programs, scheduled April 12-16, are cancelled. Refunds will be issued automatically. Virtual April Break and spring programming will continue to be offered.
In-person special needs programming starting April 17 is postponed until May, pending provincial public health regulations.
All indoor and outdoor permits scheduled at City facilities have been cancelled until further notice. Contracts will be adjusted without penalty and refunds will automatically be issued.
Permits for outdoor dining patios will be temporarily suspended. Delivery, drive-through and takeout can continue to operate.
Vaughan Public Libraries’ three resource libraries (Bathurst Clark Resource Library, Civic Centre Resource Library and Pierre Berton Resource Library) are closed. Curbside pickup will resume and be available at all locations except Maple Library. Virtual programs and Virtual Information Desk services continue.
Other facilities remain closed, including Vaughan City Hall, the Joint Operations Centre, the City Playhouse Theatre, the Vaughan Animal Shelter (except by appointment, for adoption purposes only) and all other Vaughan Public Libraries locations (although curbside pickup remains in place).

Essential services remain intact, including fire and emergency response, waste collection, water/wastewater services, by-law and enforcement services, building inspections and the Access Vaughan contact centre, which can be reached at 905-832-2281 or, among many others.

For those looking to enjoy the great outdoors, amenities remain open subject to public health guidelines. This includes the off-leash dog park, playgrounds, basketball courts, singles tennis, exercise equipment, park parking lots and skateboard parks. Under the provincial directive, any sports or games, including team sports, that could result in players being within two metres of one another may not be practiced or played.

Please take precautions when using these amenities and always follow all York Region guidelines:

The City's By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services department, in partnership with public health officials, York Regional Police and other levels of government, remains at the forefront in applying and enforcing provincial regulations and the directions of the Medical Officer of Health. Greater attention and a more assertive, proactive approach to enforcement are underway, including enforcement of the City’s COVID-19 Emergency Measures By-law. Public complaints, concerns and inquiries should be reported to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281.