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Cherry trees in High Park to be fenced off during blossom season, but the park will be open
April 15, 2021
Celina Gallardo

High Park’s cherry trees will once again be behind barricades later this month -- and available on a 24-hour livestream -- as the city looks to deter the crowds that typically flock to the park to see the fragile blossoms.

Unlike last year, however, High Park itself will stay open, with the city only blocking off the area immediately around one of its most popular attractions.

“People will be able to walk or run or bike through the park,” Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Wednesday. “But we are encouraging people not to flock to the park to see the cherry blossoms.”

Staff will install fencing in High Park around the three largest collections of cherry blossoms: Cherry Hill, an area near the sports fields and at the Jamie Bell Playground.

“Other city staff will be on the site to continuously monitor what is going on,” Tory said.

The park will also be closed off to vehicles to further prevent people from making trips to see the trees in full bloom, which usually occurs mid- to late-April and lasts for four to 10 days.

The province is currently under a stay-at-home order until at least early May as the health-care system struggles with soaring COVID-19 case counts and a record number of ICU admissions.

However, the city will bring back the “BloomCam,” a 24-hour livestream of the trees in bloom.

“While High Park will remain open this year so that local residents can continue to get exercise and fresh air, I ask you to please stay home,” said Coun. Gord Perks (Parkdale-High Park). “Their beauty, no matter how magnificent, is not worth a life.”

Tory is trusting the public to not follow the footsteps of a man fined $1,150 last year for climbing a cherry tree while High Park was closed -- and was caught on the city’s livestream.

“We will do whatever we have to do to maintain public health, but I’m very confident that people, after all this time and all the misery we’ve been through, will be able to watch the blossoms on the camera and will be able to enjoy the park at the same time and that we will not have issues,” Tory said.

“But, you know, fingers crossed.”