Corp Comm Connects

East Gwillimbury moves to monthly utility bills

Transition will help provide opportunity to monitor usage: town
April 14, 2021
Simon Martin

East Gwillimbury is transitioning from quarterly to monthly utility bills. The town says the transition will help provide more consistent billing amounts for residents, and an opportunity for increased usage monitoring to help detect any leaks or high usage earlier, ultimately helping residents save water and money.

Beginning in April, bills will be issued the first week of the month and will be due the last business day of the month. As part of the transition, all residents will receive bills in April that cover their fixed/delivery charges.

The fixed charge over three months was $70. Under the new monthly format the fixed charge will be $23.

All bills issued after May will reflect usage for the previous month and will be due on the last business day of the month.

Residents can continue to make payments through their bank, by cheque or through a pre-authorized payment plan.

Residents on the equal billing plan will continue to have their bill totals deducted monthly on the 19th of each month. Residents who are on the quarterly pre-authorized payment plan must visit the town’s website at and complete a consent form to allow the town to complete monthly payments.