Georgina Catholic elementary school closed due to shortage of staff
April 12, 2021
Scarlett Liu
St. Bernadette CES in Georgina, with two confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of April 8, has been closed to students and all classes have been moved online, according to York Catholic District School Board.
The closure is due to the number of cohorts and staff who must stay home and self-isolate; there’s not enough staff left to safely run the school.
Four schools in Richmond Hill have new cases of COVID-19.
Alexander Mackenzie HS, Bond Lake PS, O.M. MacKillop PS and Ross Doan PS each reported a new case.
Four Markham schools also have new cases of COVID-19.
Baythorn PS reported three new cases, bringing the total confirmed cases there to five. The school has been closed since April 7.
Another already-closed school, Franklin Street PS, reported two new cases as well. There are five confirmed cases in total, the school will reopen April 19.
Randall PS and St. Edward CES each have a new case of the virus.
Four schools in Vaughan have new cases of COVID-19.
Maple Creek PS reported one new case of the virus and has five confirmed cases in total; Stephen Lewis SS also reported one new case and has three confirmed cases; and St. Elizabeth CHS reported a new confirmed case.
Tommy Douglas SS, which has been hit hard by COVID-19, reported one more case of the virus. The total confirmed number there has risen to 12, while the school remains open.
In Newmarket, Huron Heights SS reported two new cases of COVID-19 and Terry Fox PS reported one new case and has three cases in total. St. Elizabeth Seton CES also reported a new case of the virus; the school has been closed already.
Meanwhile Georgina’s Black River PS and Aurora’s Northern Lights PS each has a new case.
For all confirmed cases, families and staff at the school will be notified by letter. York Region Public Health says it will communicate directly with people who had contact with the cases.
York Region District School Board and York Catholic District School Board will make sure that all appropriate measures are being taken.
For up-to-date information on active cases in York Region, please see the map of COVID-19 cases, closed classes and outbreaks in York Region schools and child-care centres.