Lace up your skates! Richmond Hill's Mill Pond, Lake Wilcox rinks expected to open Feb. 5
Hockey, shinny will not be permitted
Feb. 4, 2021
Sheila Wang
Richmond Hill residents are expected to have more opportunities to enjoy a good old winter pastime -- ice skating.
The city plans to open ice rinks at Mill Pond and Lake Wilcox Feb. 5, if weather permits.
Hockey and shinny will not be allowed.
The ice rinks will provide more options for people who are eager to have some outdoor fun since there has been only one ice rink at Richmond Hill Skate Trail that is to public since December.
Last month, the city reminded the public to stay off the thin ice at Mill Pond after York Regional Police were called in to help clear people off, as the pond was not safe for skating at that time.
With the consistent sub-zero temperatures in February, city staff are currently preparing the ice rinks at Mill Pond and Lake Wilcox for opening. The public is asked to stay off until they open.
Residents must register in advance using their ActiveRH account. Skating is free, and online registration opens Feb. 4 at 9 a.m.
Reservations are available to Richmond Hill residents only and limited to one time slot per day.
New time slots will be released daily at 9 a.m. for the next day.
There has been a high demand for outdoor skating and the skate times are expected to go quickly, the city said in a press release.
Residents are encouraged to check back often for available skate times.
Residents are asked to adhere to COVID-19 restrictions, such as a maximum capacity of 25 people per skate, a maximum skate time of 45 minutes, and mandatory face masks or covering off the ice (lineups, washrooms and change areas), and strongly recommended on the ice.
Residents are further reminded not to use neighbourhood stormwater ponds for skating or any other recreational activity, as the ice is not a safe place to play.
Visit for more information.