Lobbyist registry slowly taking shape at Niagara Region headquarters
Feb. 26, 2021
Bill Sawchuk
The public will have to wait a while longer to learn if Niagara Region is ready to join other Ontario municipalities in establishing a lobbyist registry.
The Region’s corporate services committee deferred a four-part motion by St. Catharines Coun. Laura Ip seeking to move the process forward. That decision effectively removed the issue from Thursday’s full council meeting.
What councillors on the committee will get in May is a skinnier report on public feedback -- including what the local chambers of commerce think about the idea.
“I just want to reiterate that this is by no means a way of restricting communications between councillors and the public,” Ip said. “What it does have is the potential to improve those communications significantly and to make sure the information is available to the wider public.”
Ip said lobbyist registries are something governments at all levels are looking to introduce or strengthen.
“Transparency and accountability are paramount in our roles as councillors -- and for the staff as well,” Ip said.
Ip’s motion asked for staff recommendations on setting up a registry and associated costs to go forward as part of the 2022 budget discussions.
It was too much too soon for Fort Erie Mayor Wayne Redekop and, ultimately, a majority of the committee.
“I thought this amended motion could have been circulated earlier if we are going to vote on it in the next few minutes,” Redekop said of Ip’s motion. “I can’t support this until I’ve had time to review it and put it into context.”
Redekop said the amended motion went significantly beyond what was in the report.”
Ip disagreed, but motions to defer aren’t debatable.
Councillors did have in hand an 11-page staff report on the issue, which was included in the meeting agenda.
Niagara Falls Coun. Bob Gale was worried about the lack of detailed cost comparisons.
Region clerk Ann-Marie Norio said some of the municipalities canvassed, such as Peel, didn’t respond to questions about annual budgeted costs.
The City of Vaughan did respond. It has a mandatory registry with enforcement. The budget is about $250,000 annually, including a lobbyist registrar and administrative staff time to maintain the database.
A report for the much smaller Town of Caledon, done in 2016, estimated the initial costs for implementation were $50,000 to $100,000 with a potential annual budget ranging from $55,000 to $130,000.
Gale questioned how the registry would work at its most basic level.
“If Joe’s Barber Shop wants to talk to a councillor, what’s the cost and what’s the time frame?” Gale asked.
“There is no cost to register,” Norio replied. “Some require registration in advance. Others require it within 10 days.”
Norio said the registry wouldn’t restrict the public from asking questions about issues before council.
“They would need to register when they are actually trying to influence or make a change in a decision coming forward,” she said.
The report added what while essential elements are similar, key components vary, including the responsibility of elected officials, time limits for registration, the amount of lobbying activity required to trigger registration requirements and the penalties for violators.